Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 24 :) A playlist for Scarley!

Sheesh! It's been a looooooooooong time since i've blogged. Too long. A LOT has happened, so we'll do a quick catch up :)
Deployment >>> Moved to Missouri >>> Got a new job :) (nannying) >>> Wrecked my car >>> Now, i'm searching for a car and moving into my new apartment this weekend :)

So, i am waaaay behind on my 30 days of truth so i am going to pick up on day 25 (i don't like 23 & 24, they are quite reduntant! lol)

Make a playlist to someone and explain why you chose each song.
My playlist is for my Bestie, Scarlett :)

Old School picture from High School ;)
> Sexy, Can I? (Ray-J) --- This is our theme song :) hahahaha :D
> Best of Friends (From the Fox & The Hound) --- "When that moment has past, will that friendship last? Who can say?! There's a way... Oh I hope, I hope it never ends! ...Cause, WE'RE the best of friends." :D
>Unusually Unusual (Lone Star) --- Unusually Unusual? THAT'S MY BESTIE ;)

>Beautiful (Mercy Me) --- My best friend is so beautiful and precious to God, sometimes she needs to be reminded
>True Friend (Miley Cyrus... YICK :P lol) --- "We sign our letters BFF, You've got a million ways to make me laugh..." :D
>Lean on Me (Bill Withers) --- Because we can always lean on each other ;)
>Me & Jesus (Stellar Kart) --- No matter how upside down the world gets, Scarlett- You always have me & Jesus :)
>Out Side My Window (Sarah Buxton) --- This song is SCARLETT in a song :) it makes me smile when i hear it!
80's party this summer :)
>My Life Would Suck Without You (Kelly Clarkson) --- It's so true! ily, SCARLEY, BARLEY!

1 comment:

  1. aw. you are too sweet. thanks i needed today. :) love you best friend.
    forever and always. :)
