Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Post :)

Hey :) welcome to my blog!!!
My name is Kristi, I am twenty years old. I just got married in December to the love of my life, Silas.  On top of figuring out married life, we're also new to Army life in Kansas (we are both from Missouri).  However, the biggest decision & best decision i've made this year (and ever, really) to become a Christian, on April 25, 2010 :) :) :)
I am excited to start blogging.  I think that it will give me a space all my own to express who i am, what i feel, and to share things that inspire me. Growing up as a preacher's kid, i had to be who people expected me to be. But, i am learning to be who  I AM, who God created me to be.  That's what this blog is all about- Here, I am FREE TO BE ME :)
Feel free to comment, ask questions, or even debate :) i would love some interaction!
